Our premium service allows our customers to access all the tools that make our service rival the likes of bit.ly and others. The tools are simple, yet powerful enough to change how you look at URL shortening and especially how you use it. Here is a rundown on the tools that makes your shortening more efficient.
Quick shortening
This tool allows you to quickly shorten any URL on any page without using any fancy method. This is perhaps the quickest and easiest method available for you to shorten URLs across all platforms. This method will generate a unique short URL for you that you will be able to access anytime from your dashboard.
You can use our bookmarklet tool to instantaneously shorten any site you are currently viewing and if you are logged in on our site, it will be automatically saved to your account for future access. Simply drag the following link to your bookmarks bar or copy the link and manually add it to your favorites.
All premium users have an API key for making requests to be processed by the system. A super featured that gives great control and seamlessly integrates with your system.
Full-Page JavaScript
The Javascript allows you to shorten all (or select) URLs on your website very easily. All you need to do is to copy and paste the code at the end of your page. You can customize the selector as you wish to target URLs in a specific selector. Easy and efficient.